The non hand washer is nasty

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Based on the included “I hardly ever get sick” detail, this seems at best like a learning opportunity: it’s not about whether you get yourself sick, buddy, it’s about not transferring your biowaste to everyone else. You don’t get sick, and that’s because other people are washing their hands.

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The selfishness of it all.

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Everyone should be hurt once before getting married “I broke my elbow and seeing how my fiance is caring for me has me second guessing our relationship.”

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"Hope you slip" person seems miserable. I just think the snowy road runners are crazy because I'm so *worried* they're going to have a horrible fall.

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The 7 day Snapchat streak 😂

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"I hosted a party exclusively for anyone I know who has little kids. Only because I’m having a child soon. In hindsight, it was a mistake."

I mean without context this almost sounds like an episode of SVU, I don't get the reasoning here.

Let's have a great week people!

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