Welcome to Sunday Confessions. Each Sunday through Sunday Scaries Instagram stories, readers submit their totally-anonymous confessions. Because sometime it just feels good to get off your chest.
The final Sunday of January yielded an array of confessions — people who regret doing Dry January, people who want to quit their job after seeing what the year is bringing them, and a bunch of people who simply hate their in-laws. We had about double the submissions this week that we normally get, so buckle in. I think everyone collectively needs a drink.
This week’s confessions —
I booked a 5 day trip to see a man I’m not dating. I’m dragging my two best friends with me for moral support.
i go to the gym just to get away from my boyfriend sometimes
I broke my elbow and seeing how my fiance is caring for me has me second guessing our relationship.
I have zero empathy for my husband when he is sick. He’s a whiny little bitch.
I hate my job, but it doesn’t require me to work hard, so I don’t want to leave it.
I keep having vivid dreams about sleeping with my coworker. Low key want to just message him and go for it.
I have approximately $300 to my name and I’ve never been happier.
I’m a financial advisor - I have £5k in credit card debt and less than £1k in savings.
When I was a teenager I hid an empty bottle of liquor temporarily under my sister’s bed because I didn’t know where to throw it away without getting caught. My mom ended up finding it and grounded my sister.
I’m in love with my coworker and I think he loves me too. (We have a 7 day Snapchat streak.)
I judge my neighbors based on their package deliveries. Drivers will leave packages by the front door to my building if no one is home to let them in and I’ll usually bring them inside to be nice, but some girl ordered a box of Essential water and I let it sit outside for days.
Date No. 5, we both got a little drunk. I asked if he wanted to be exclusive but he said he had to think about it. To protect my ego, the next day I acted like I browned out and didn’t remember the conversation.
I’m currently chatting with a student’s parent on a dating app.
Some weekend mornings I pretend to still be asleep so my husband will get up and go downstairs and I can masturbate on my own.
Secretly dated my coworker for 4 months. Broke up with him Friday because he was better as a concept.
At the airport, I board one group before I’m supposed to. If my boarding pass says group 3, I’m in line with 2. I hope it doesn’t matter.
I always pee in swimming pools. And hot tubs. I do float therapy, and I pee in there, too.
Pregnant for the second time in less than a year (planned). People suffering through one dry January need to get a grip.
Everything my bf does annoys the shit out of me. The way he eats, breathes, sits, walks, not silencing his phone, this one stupid pair of jeans he owns…I want to scream.
My high school ex pops into my head every night when I close my eyes to go to sleep. I am NOT in love with them. It’s just become a thing in my brain that I can’t stop doing now. I hate it.
I hosted a party exclusively for anyone I know who has little kids. Only because I’m having a child soon. In hindsight, it was a mistake.
Got drunk and downloaded tinder just to find a hookup. Ended up having phone sex with a stranger.
I never wash my hands after I go to the bathroom. Don’t like the cold water on my hands. I hardly ever get sick. Sometimes if I’m on a public bathroom i run the water and pretend to wash them. Have been doing this for 38 years and have zero plans to change my ways.
My husband has no ideas as to how much credit card debt I/we have. This is the first time we have ever had debt and it makes me sick to my stomach thinking about telling him.
My Christmas tree and decorations are still up at my house.
a man winked at me on the subway and i nearly got violent
In my late 30s and having a kinky awakening, but I'm afraid to ask for what I want from my husband because he's fairly vanilla and I'm making myself miserable just stuck fantasizing.
I am in love.
Intellectually I understand that Valentine’s Day is stupid, but I’d still like my boyfriend to buy me flowers.
My work requires proof of sickness, so I turned on my sous vide to 102 degrees Fahrenheit, put my thermometer in it, and sent it to my boss. Took a gummy and have never felt more alive.
The most satisfying part of a Brazilian is when you have a waxed asshole. I love my waxed asshole.
I actually am enjoying NA beer during Dry Jan. Sue me.
I went on a date with a guy yesterday when I knowingly f*cked his brother 9 months ago.
my hairs the healthiest it’s ever been because i haven’t washed it more than once a week. not telling anyone it’s because im actually too depressed to wash it.
It’s me, the girl who regretted introducing her boyfriend to her friends. I broke up with him.
Wish I wasn’t so bitter about the 6 people who unfollowed me on Instagram when I posted our pregnancy announcement.
I started rewatching The Nanny and my winter wardrobe has been inspired by Nanny Fine, short skirts, tights, heels, sequins and animal print. I am getting so many complements… mainly from men.
My MIL treats me like I’m new and don’t know her son yet I’ve been with him for half of his life at this point and it makes my eye twitch.
I ordered embroidered monogram jizz towels to keep near our bed. It makes clean up feel a little more classy.
I can’t tell if I’m falling in love or just at the age where it’s time to pick someone to settle down with.
I purposely gift my SIL toys with a million parts, art projects with glitter, etc. to make her life more difficult. She sucks.
Recipient of a drunk text that sent me back into my spiral.
Had to take a break from my best friend when I found out the man she’s dating is an insurrectionist.
I let a man rip my tights off of me last week, and it’s literally all I can think about.
Sometimes if I need to pick my nose and don’t have a tissue, I let my dog eat my boogers.
I severely judge people who run outside when there's snow/ice on the roads/sidewalks. You're not better than those of us who just work out inside during the winter. Hope you slip xoxo
Every week I put a jumbo pack of the fanciest toilet paper/paper towels on the bottom rack of shopping cart and “forget” to pay for it.
I sometimes consider how I can monetize my body in a legal way. I’m so over working my corporate job and just don’t wanna work for anybody, ever.
I’m obsessed with watching The Handmaid’s Tale bc I’m convinced we are on the brink of turning this country into Gilead. I am terrified.
I’m a therapist who struggles to open up to people. People think they know me but I just play a face, it’s starting to get really lonely but I hate being vulnerable/getting hurt.
There’s no way I’m the only one in the family who thinks my brother-in-law’s art is mid at best. I wish someone else would say something so I would know I’m not the only one pretending to like it.
I miss Industry so much. I wonder what Yaz is up to.
I stress way too much about my pants/shoes combination. I spend hours thinking about it.
If a creator I follow announces they’re pregnant, I immediately unfollow. I’m not here for all the baby crap.
I went back to my college town to see some friends. Nearly got into a bar fight with a townie over a TouchTunes machine and went home with an old situationship who hasn't gotten over his feelings for me. Just like old times!
Recently started eating meat after being vegan for three years… I regret nothing.
Didn’t seal the deal because the mushrooms took over after the first martini.
The non hand washer is nasty
Everyone should be hurt once before getting married “I broke my elbow and seeing how my fiance is caring for me has me second guessing our relationship.”