Welcome to The Sunday Digest — a free Sunday newsletter featuring long (and some short) reads, original columns, things I’ve saved over the last week, relaxing playlists, episodes releases, exclusive product drops, and more. Yes, you can reply to this email. I’d love to hear from you. Or, if podcasts are more your speed on Sundays, we’ve got that too.
Sunday Read › Sunday State of Mind
by Sheila Marikar for Blackberry Magazine
When I was little, my dad was on a list of people who would be reached out to by someone at USA Today for comment. His name would sporadically pop up in articles and I thought it was the coolest thing ever to see his name in print. And just this past week, I got to show my son an article with my name in it.
While this week’s Sunday Read may be a little self-fulfilling, I was approached a few months ago by Blackberry Magazine to do something for their recent Tone Issue. Being that I’ve loved their properties so much (see here), I was honored that they even asked so I obviously jumped at the opportunity.
Our hour-long conversation took us everywhere — from 12 years ago when I started Sunday Scaries to The Sunday Scaries Podcast and (of course) to the now-popular Instagram feed.
Here’s an excerpt:
“I try to maintain a mix that is, above all, approachable,” he says. “The prepackaged, perfect life that we used to see a lot on Instagram — no one wants that anymore. Being a little cheeky is more palatable than being prescriptive, understanding that even if we’re doing a wellness ritual,” say, a face mask, a frequent Sunday Scaries motif, “it’s because there’s part of our life that might be a mess, that we’re not vying for perfection.”
That said, visually, certain scenes appeal more than others.
“If you think about a Sunday after you’ve had one too many glasses of wine, you don’t want to picture yourself lying next to your cluttered coffee table and a bottle of Gatorade,” Will says. “You want to picture yourself lying on a freshly mowed croquet court in the sun. It’s aspirational.”
Read in full here.
The Sunday Haiku
Trimmed wick, new candle,
burn for three hours, and no less,
and we’ll be best friends.
New Episode › Retail Therapy 102: From Omakase to The Coffee Club
Barrett went to the most Retail Therapy-coded coffee event in Austin, Will had his first true Japanese omakase experience, some outfits we can't stop thinking about, private rooftop clubs in Vegas, Timothee Chalamet on SNL, wishlist items, and so much more.
Listen to Retail Therapy on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube (see above), and anywhere else podcasts are found. And a reminder to follow Retail Therapy on Substack!
Things I Saved This Week
“How can I support Sunday Scaries?”
Buy our zine, Scenes of Note.
Listen to Retail Therapy.
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The music in 2016 video... man, were we really and truly happy that year and it was reflected in our sounds?
PS: for those of us who have deleted instagram accounts, would be rad to have a link to Sunday Confessions in the digest :)
did i miss the sweatshirts