Sunday Confessions: 2-23-25
"I look forward to reading his middle of the night texts every morning."
Welcome to Sunday Confessions. Each Sunday through Sunday Scaries Instagram stories, readers submit their totally-anonymous confessions. Because sometime it just feels good to get off your chest.
Well, I think I’m going to have to go back and watch a couple scenes of White Lotus that I dozed off for last night. I did that thing where my head nods as I’m trying not to fall asleep, and I reassure my wife that I’m not in fact falling asleep when I definitely am. I did this for about 20 minutes of the Industry Season 3 finale and missed all the most important conversations. This is a problem that I need to be held accountable for.
Here are this week’s confessions.
Sometimes I reuse a dirty skillet more than once without washing it.
I look forward to hearing my neighbor downstairs having sex. It's entertaining.
I’ve been using different excuses to work from home for weeks so I can interview for new jobs. Turning in my notice tomorrow!
Took me 4 years to realize my car has a remote starter on the key fob.
I am craving the man I am in a situationship with and we both are equally addicted to one another. We cannot stop talking to one another even when we try. He’s moved away and we still go right back to the addiction when one texts. This won’t stop until I finally get to feel him inside of me.
I sort of enjoy the smell of my dog’s farts.
Coming to the realization that some of my best friends are just emotional leeches.
I’m watching Severance because everyone else is… but I don’t have a clue what’s happening.
Told my husband he needed a new hobby, he bought a video game system…now I’m annoyed he’s busy playing with his friends and occupying his time without me.
It made me really sad seeing my best friend change her last name when she got married.
I don’t want to pay for waxing and shaving doesn’t look as good so I pluck my armpit hair and it’s satisfying
I have been on two dates with a married couple and I think I’ve found my niche.
I put my gum underneath tables and benches in public places. I chew a lot of gum, at least one pack a day.
Really need some hot sunny days, I'm so bitchy.
I can’t tell if my neighbor from across the street is low key flirting or not. I catch him staring into my apartment on a daily basis or trying to show off while undressing once or twice. I’ve found myself giving him a free show once or twice too… either way I’m loving the attention and he shouldn’t stop!
Started sexting a guy in Spanish yesterday… I can’t speak Spanish.
I appreciate when my boyfriend gets on health kicks bc I want him to take care of himself, but the motivational quotes he posts to his stories give me the fucking ick.
I canceled my weekly therapy appointment the other day and I felt so guilty afterwards because I wonder if my therapist ever gets sad if/when I have to cancel.
I always request queen-queen bed hotel rooms so my husband and I can bang in one and sleep in the other.
thinking of turning my location off and going on a solo weekend vacation even though i told my friends i couldn’t afford to take a trip altogether. i need time alone in the sun.
I miss my ex-sugar daddy.
He blocked me on everything so now I stalk his LinkedIn for updates.
In-laws paid for groceries on a trip on my Instacart and I’ve never removed their card. It’s been 4 years.
I regret moving back to the United States.
Went out for my girlfriend’s birthday dinner. The group decided to go salsa dancing afterwards. I was denied entry to the club due to wearing Birkenstock Bostons.
I’m planning a big event that’s supposed to generate a bunch of revenue for my company. I’m secretly hoping it’s a total flop.
The amount of “work” I’m doing while working from home is embarrassingly little. I’m still hitting goals at a faster rate that my counterparts.
Thought I would discover crazy good sex in my thirties, but I’ve only discovered that I’ve been missing out on high quality olive oil. Honestly wouldn't trade it.
My Instagram crush posted one of the hottest photos I’ve ever seen of her, and I googled to see if Instagram notifies you if someone screenshots your story.
I hate that when my husband empties the kitchen trash he never puts a liner in. It drives me insane.
Made out with two people from work, then slept with the one. The one that I didn’t sleep with, told the one that they wanted dibs. That person has a boyfriend.
I have been blocking my work calendar for hours at a time so I can read my books.
I have been wanking only on muscular women for the past 10 years. I don’t really know how I feel about it but I don’t think I’ll stop anytime soon.
I invited a third couple to join us for dinner, but I’m glad they didn’t join us had an amazing dinner without them!
I tried weed for the first time at the age of 35. Should have tried it sooner.
Got good bloodwork results back, celebrated with a bottle and half of wine to bring me back to average.
Sometimes when i see bald men i just wanna give their head a little scratch.
Almost every Sunday I consider quitting my job and selling my used underwear/pictures of my feet.
Started my period at work, ran to the bathroom and somehow my glasses fell into the toilet… automatic flusher… they folded up and went down the drain. I had to tell the office manager in case the toilets clogged.
i often daydream about punching my condescending colleague when he’s talking. he has the most punchable face.
This week I had sex with a hoarder… new low for me.
Booked a trip to London just to feel something again. Honestly hoping to start a new life and never come back.
I have the biggest crush on the dad of the family I nanny for. Would never ever try anything but can’t help but think “what if” all the time.
I’m so over my job that I’m dreaming about being a postal worker and getting to walk and listen to podcasts and talk to no one all day.
Hearing ‘Levels’ for the first time again could fix me.
I hate the new mattress I just spent $8k on.
My husband told me he was going to shower 3 minutes after White Lotus started. He asked that I wait for him. It’s been 65 minutes and I’m so mad I’m shaking.
When I notice they’re getting too long, sometimes i just pinch off the wicks on my scented candles with my fingers. I refuse to buy a wick trimmer.
I look forward to reading his middle of the night texts every morning.
I slept with the worst option in the general friend group and am seriously regretting it because now I feel like all the others are off limits even though no one knows.
I knowingly slept with a guy who had an ankle monitor on and couldn’t be out past 8pm.
Ok, but the people want to know which mattress we shouldn’t buy…
Booking a trip just to feel something.
I relate to this so deeply.