Welcome to Sunday Confessions. Each Sunday through Sunday Scaries Instagram stories, readers submit their totally-anonymous confessions. Because sometime it just feels good to get off your chest.
This past weekend, my wife and I had a three-hour drive home on Saturday morning from the Forth Worth Rodeo. Because I drove the first leg, she said she’d start the second leg. We did something that some people would consider to be diabolical: we did the entire drive without any music. Just, you know, talked about stuff. While it was pretty refreshing, I don’t think that can be deployed every time we do a long drive together. But it’s nice to know that it’s possible.
And here are this week’s confessions.
I think I’m in the healthiest, most green flag, open communication relationship I’ve ever been in and it slightly terrifies me.
I haven’t gone on a first date in 3 years and I think I’m finally ready. Scared, but ready.
Used a close guy friend’s face razor to shave my armpits while getting ready at his place last night.
I pulled out of being in my friends wedding because i can’t stand her fiancé and didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on a dress and bachelorette in support of this marriage.
I’m her best friend. But she isn’t mine.
I don’t know how to leave my situationship with a friend and it’s hurting me that he only exists when he wants to fuck, no matter how sweet he is when he does show up.
Reading the Confessions has become a highlight of my Monday and I wish there was a way to read all the dirty ones
Editor’s Note: While I’ve thought of doing Scaries After Dark with the dirty ones, but I’m not sure I want to open that can of worms for myself. Also, a lot of these skew… well, dirty.
I’ve been quiet quitting at work for months but they still haven’t noticed.
I think I might be a *serial dater* and partly just aiming to get free meals.
My coworkers girlfriend is afraid I’m going to take away her man. All because I lost the weight.
I’m getting a breast lift next week, and keep day dreaming about all the slutty tops I’ll wear this summer.
I think about whistleblowing my company almost daily.
Husband was just fired from his job and I'm selfishly missing the time I used to have to myself because he's always home now. He's so needy and I have zero space.
Gave head while my friends were singing the national anthem in the other room. I’ll never think of the national anthem the same.
I’m done with Pookie and Jett.
I sent a letter to the man that broke my heart. I thought it would make me feel better… but the anxiety of not knowing if it was received is killing me.
Only two days into February and I seriously feel like my entire year is ruined because of the Luka Doncic trade.
Took a solo trip last year and it was the best thing I could do for my mental health. Planning another this year - only question is where to?
Started seeing people for who they are rather than who I want them to be, and it’s been a liberating experience.
I can’t stop thinking about the submission a few weeks back that said, “Realized it wasn’t love it was a trauma bond!” and wondering if my ex submitted it.
I’m so hungover I just started crying reading about how 8 million horses lost their lives during WWI.
It’s crazy to me that if you don’t want to drink you have to field questions like something is wrong with you
If you’re not wearing a tie to a formal wedding, just know you look like a total slob.
I am so tired of my Gen Z employees getting triggered by every little goddamn thing at work. We work in marketing, Hayleigh, get a fucking grip.
DoorDashed an entire chocolate cake from Portillo's last night.
My in-laws don’t like me and it sucks.
the doomscrolling has gotten worse the past 2 weeks.
Lost out on a real estate deal and ugly cried about it in the middle of aprés ski.
I’m an adult male and I legit have no male friends and it’s slowly killing me.
Made a friend at the bar. Got some spicy texts from them after I left. Read them to my partner and it led to the best sex we’ve had in months.
My wife is obsessed with the Baldoni/Lively feud and I don’t know how to tell her that I don’t give a shit. At all.
Saw my (married) colleague on a date with someone that’s not her husband. And she saw, then greeted me.
I zoomed in on my crush’s workout reel to make sure we’re not lifting the same weight.
I think I’m more in love with my book boyfriends than my husband.
Studied fashion, graduated last year, almost instantly lost my passion for the industry. I was raised to pursue my dreams over anything, but I have no idea what I dream of anymore.
I just turned 30 and I’m loving the attention I’m getting from these boys in their early 20s. I love being single.
I think I hate my dog.
I told my husband I had a stomach bug, but I’m pretty sure I was sick from taking a way too big dose of ozempic in my “post holiday Hail Mary attempt at weight loss.”
Got drinks with coworker yesterday, professed my love to him, burst into tears and ran away.
Every night I go to bed and pray my company will be attacked by cyber terrorists.
I have spent an embarrassing amount of money on tarot readings on TikTok.
I check Find My at least four times a day, usually more, to see what all my loved ones are up to. It makes me feel less alone.
My guilty pleasure is watching the plus sized park hoppers TikTok account - currently on a 13- hour flight to Japan and I’m worried my seat neighbor will think I’m crazy.
I’m starting ti fall for a man with a micro p*nis and its bothering me that I’m concerned for my future self seggs life if I do fall.
I miss my ex’s dog. Sometimes I check his page just so I can see her.
I’m in love with my best friend, every time he asks if I have feelings for him I lie and tell him no. I think about sleeping with him all the time.
I don’t want to take my friend to the airport.
If you send me a voice message, I’m reading the transcription instead of listening to it.
I got a painting commissioned, and I hate how it turned out.
low key I was sleeping with two different guys, unknowingly they both shared the same green tooth brush….i couldn’t stop it, but didn’t really try to either.
I need money so I'm trying to sell feet pics. Been somewhat successful.
Girls holiday weekend, went home with a man and proceeded to suck his fingers in the uber ride back to his.
I’ve turned to microdosing mushrooms to get through life.
Flirting back with my coworker, not because I am into him, but because I miss the thrill of being wanted.
Packed up my work-from-home office after almost 5 years of working from home, and am actually looking forward to no longer having “work” in my home. Might be an unpopular opinion but I feel more like myself when I can leave work at work.
Getting tired of supporting everyone else’s love stories and I haven’t had one of my own.
high cholesterol but still eating cookies
I'm getting tired of my friends becoming so consumed by politics that it feels like they can't think of anything else to talk about.
Graeter’s Ice Cream just released a Skyline Spice flavor featuring oyster crackers… and I just want to know wtf is wrong with the people of Cincinnati, OH.
Really hyped up the Grammys to myself. Got wine drunk and utterly dissapointed in the academy’s selections.
Pretended to talk to my “husband” while my Uber eats guy delivered $50 worth of Taco Bell “for two people.”
I sometimes think my boyfriend is stupid.
Starting a florist course and honestly I worked in an office with a good salary and the thought of doing that again for the rest of my life sucks. I would rather play with flowers.
A one-off Scaries After Dark would go extremely hard
“It’s crazy to me that if you don’t want to drink you have to field questions like something is wrong with you”
Facts. I stopped due to health reasons/food allergies and every time go to a social event I come off looking like I had drinking problem trying to explain it.